South Broxtowe
School Behaviour & Attendance Partnership
Autism or ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) is a lifelong developmental disability which is present from birth although may not be immediately obvious. Autism can affect people in many different ways and not all people with Autism share the same difficulties, this is why it is called a spectrum. Currently there is no known cause for Autism, however, scientists believe that genetics play a large part.
Autism affects the way the brain develops and interprets information and therefore causes a variety of difficulties for the person with Autism. Some of which are:
They may find it difficult to interpret verbal and non-verbal communication such as body language and facial expressions
They may have a very literal understanding of language and so may find it difficult to absorb things such as jokes and sarcasm
They may become overloaded with information and need to be left alone to process if in a situation with lots of other people
They may find it difficult to form friendships and relationships due to some of the above points
They may have difficulty processing sensory input such as noises, textures and taste
Although a person with Autism may face difficulties in everyday life, their unique way of viewing the world can create positive experiences. Some people on the spectrum are brilliant at seeing details that others may overlook, some can create amazing paintings others can see the patterns in maths etc. With the right support and strategies in place both at home and school, a child with Autism can develop their social skills and thrive.
Recommended Resources
Click on the logo to access the website or resource
Autism East Midlands
A leading autism charity providing help and support to families and individuals affected by autism; to help ensure autistic people can live their lives with dignity, choice and independence. They also run Parent Workshops, click here for the latest dates for 2023-4.
National Autistic Society
The UK's largest provider of specialist autism services.
The Autism Education Trust
Lots of information and resources available as well as training materials and courses. Making Sense of Autism (for Schools) delegate pack.
Autism Support
Click here for a document about a Parenting Course and Workshop available to those with and without a diagnosis. There are also drop-in groups available. Click here for Nottingham Central and here for Nottingham North.
Autism & Christmas
The Ability Bridge offer various courses including a FREE course about the ways that Christmas can be difficult for autistic children.
Positive Handling
Dynamis offer positive handling training including De-escalation and protective interventions for parents and carers.
All available from on-line retailers.