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There are many theories about attachment and what it is. Basically, it explains about the parent-child relationship and how it influences a child's development.  The main theme of Attachment Theory is that mothers who are available and responsive to their infant's needs establish a sense of security in their children.


Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space (Ainsworth, 1973; Bowlby, 1969).  It is a bond that is an emotional connection formed by wordless communication between an infant and you, the parent or primary caretaker.  This form of communication affects the way your child develops mentally, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.  In fact, the strength of this relationship is the main predictor of how well your child will do both in school and in life.


Attachment behaviour in adults towards the child includes responding sensitively and appropriately to the child’s needs.  Such behaviour appears universal across cultures.  Attachment theory explains how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent development.  The most important fact in forming attachments is not who feeds and changes the child but who plays and communicates with him or her.  Therefore, responsiveness appears to be the key to the attachment.


The attachment bond differs from the bond of love


You can tend to your child’s every physical need, provide the most comfortable home, the highest quality nourishment, the best education, and all the material goods a child could wish for.  You can hold, cuddle, and adore your child without creating the kind of attachment that fosters the best development for your child.  How is this possible? Importantly, creating a secure attachment bond differs from creating a bond of love.  


Children need something more than love and caregiving in order for their brains and nervous systems to develop in the best way possible.  Children need to be able to engage in a nonverbal emotional exchange with their primary caretaker in a way that communicates their needs. 

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