South Broxtowe
School Behaviour & Attendance Partnership
School Support
School Support is provided by a Specialist Teacher who has extensive skills and experience of working with schools in Nottinghamshire to promote positive behaviour and emotional wellbeing. The service offers consultation, advice and support to schools as part of the graduated response to identify, assess and meet the underlying social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs and behavioural needs of children and young people. Any appropriate training needs are delivered to support the development of practice across staff and settings. The aim is to improve outcomes for learning, social and emotional well-being and build the capacity within schools to promote positive behaviour and reduce exclusion.
The work aims to promote high standards of behaviour whilst focusing on the inclusion of children and young people with SEMH needs who may exhibit behaviour causing concern, particularly if it is impacting upon the learning and achievement of an individual child or young person.
Schools are increasingly drawing on funding to purchase services that close the gap in achievement and attainment for children displaying challenging behaviour as a result of SEND and SEMH difficulties. This is a service that is funded by Nottinghamshire County Council
Who is it for
Primary, Infant & Junior Schools
in the
South Broxtowe area
How to refer
Requests for assistance should be made by the Head Teacher or SENCO for discussion at the SBAP meeting
How many sessions
Support can be provided to the school for as long as is necessary.
Individual circumstances to be agreed with the School